
Equity Society Nepal (EQUITY-NEPAL) is one of the leading Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Nepal, working since 2023 with a focus on assisting access to justice and ensuring proportional participation in government processes for marginalized and discriminated communities, particularly Dalits, women, and persons with disabilities those who have been suffering untouchability, discrimination, oppression, injustice, inequality, and deprivation due to the caste, class, gender, and physical conditions embedded by Nepali society and the state system. EQUITY-NEPAL has been contributing to empowerment, capacity building, and the recreation of justice, enabling individuals to assert their rights, fulfill civic responsibilities, and foster economic equality and social inclusion.

EQUITY-NEPAL has also been working with several alliances, expanding its network to strongly lobby and bring Human Rights issues to the forefront at both the grassroots and national levels. Coordination, collaboration, and networking are the major working approaches of the organization. Since its establishment in 2023, it has been raising the various issues of Marginalized and discriminated Communities: systemic and structural discrimination; poverty and social injustice, and poor political participation among others.  It has been fostering a social and Human Rights justice movement from the grassroots to the national as well as international level.  

Organization's Governance Structure:

EQUITY-NEPAL has strong governance structures they are Annual General Assembly (AGA), Central Executive Committee (CEC), Program Management Committee (PMC), Executive Director, Project Unit, Administration and Financial Unit, and Provincial and District Focal Persons. 

To achieve its Objectives, EQUITY-NEPAL has several committees and bodies that play important roles in the organization's governance and operations. 

The AGA has several important roles, including electing EQUITY-NEPAL's Centre executive Committee and Program management committee, approving EQUITY-NEPAL's annual plan and budget, reviewing and approving EQUITY-NEPAL's financial statements and audit reports, providing guidance and direction to EQUITY-NEPAL's leadership on strategic issues and priorities. 

The CEC comprises 9 members and is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of EQUITY-NEPAL and implementing the organization's strategic plan. The Committee is elected by EQUITY-NEPAL's Active members at the AGA and serves a term of 2 years. The Committee has several important roles, including setting EQUITY-NEPAL's overall direction and priorities, developing and implementing EQUITY-NEPAL's strategic plan and annual work plan, ensuring that EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities are aligned with its mission and vision, overseeing the organization's finances and ensuring that it operates within its budget, building relationships with key stakeholders, including donors, government officials, and other organizations, advocating for the rights and needs of Marginalized and discriminated Communities at the national and international level. 

The PMC is responsible for overseeing the implementation of EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities. The Executive Committee appoints the Committee and includes staff members who are responsible for specific program areas, such as advocacy, capacity building, and community mobilization. The Management Committee has several important roles, including developing and implementing EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities in accordance with its strategic plan and annual work plan, ensuring that EQUITY-NEPAL's programs are responsive to the needs and priorities of Marginalized and discriminated Communities and their communities, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities, managing EQUITY-NEPAL's human and financial resources to ensure that they are used efficiently and effectively, building relationships with partner organizations and stakeholders to strengthen EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities. 

The Procurement Committee is responsible for managing EQUITY-NEPAL's procurement activities. The Executive Committee appoints the Committee and includes staff members who are responsible for procurement-related functions. The Procurement Committee has several important roles, including ensuring transparency and fairness in the procurement process, managing EQUITY-NEPAL's procurement activities, including identifying procurement needs, obtaining quotes and bids from vendors, negotiating contracts, ensuring that all procurement activities are conducted by EQUITY-NEPAL's policies and procedures, monitoring vendor performance to ensure that goods and services are delivered in a timely and satisfactory manner, maintaining accurate records of all procurement activities. 

The Staff Recruitment Committee is responsible for managing EQUITY-NEPAL's recruitment process. The Executive Committee appoints the Committee and includes staff members who are responsible for recruitment-related functions. The Staff Recruitment Committee has several important roles, including identifying staffing needs and developing job descriptions for vacant positions, advertising vacant positions, and managing the recruitment process, including screening resumes, conducting interviews, checking references, ensuring that all recruitment activities are conducted by EQUITY-NEPAL's policies and procedures, making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the selection of candidates for vacant positions, ensuring that new staff members are properly oriented and trained. 

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of EQUITY-NEPAL. The Executive Director plays a critical role in ensuring that EQUITY-NEPAL can achieve its mission of empowering Marginalized and discriminated Communities in Nepal. By providing leadership, building partnerships, and ensuring that the organization has the resources it needs, the Executive Director helps to ensure that EQUITY-NEPAL can carry out its programs and activities effectively.

The Project Unit is responsible for implementing EQUITY-NEPAL's programs and activities. The Unit is led by a Program Manager and coordinator and includes staff members who are responsible for managing specific programs/projects and activities. 

The Administration and Finance Unit is responsible for managing EQUITY-NEPAL's administrative functions. The Unit is led by an Administration and Finance Manager and includes staff members who are responsible for managing specific administrative and financial functions. The unit has several important roles, including managing EQUITY-NEPAL's human resources functions, recruitment, orientation, training, and performance management, financial functions, budgeting, accounting, and financial reporting, logistical functions, procurement, inventory management, asset management, and ensuring that EQUITY-NEPAL's administrative and financial functions are conducted under the organization's policies and procedures.